Chapter 13 First Impression Post

After taking the Jung Typology Test, I scored ESFJ which means 31% extravert over introversion, 9% sensing over intuition, 31% feeling over thinking and 3% judging over perceiving. I think this accurately describes my personality with the percentages i was given after answering the set of questions. Overall I believe the test was somewhat credible as it asked a few questions that did not apply to me personally or were too hard to understand. The test was created based off of Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers personality type theory so it must be based off a credible source. The next test or the type theory test was a questionnaire that asked 68 questions based on many different emotional and personality related questions. After taking the test, my Jungian Personality type was ENFJ which can be described as a great leader that strives to see other people succeed. This personality type matches with about 5% of the totally population. I feel like this test also gave an accurate description of my personality type. This test seems to be as credible as the last one as one negative point on this test is that a few words in the questions were misspelled. Although, this test provided people with a paragraph describing the personality type which you were given unlike the first test we took which only gave a few words. The third test was the IPIP Big-Five Factor Marker which measured the. 5 personality traits. The five personality categories described in this test are extroversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, imagination. my results for the five categories were 70% for extroversion or being outgoing/social, 52% emotional stability or negative emotionality, 67% agreeableness or someone who is friendly and optimistic, 62% conscientiousness or someone who is careful, and lastly 28% intellect/imagination. This test seems to be not as reliable as the past 2 tests as this test does not give a great description of what the 5 personality traits were. Also, my results were not as accurate as the past 2 tests. The last test I took is the color test which asked you to rank how each color made you feel. My results of the test were based off of 6 main topics which includes my existing situation, stress sources, restrained characteristics, desired objective, actual problem 1 & 2. This source seems to be very credible as it stated in the introduction that this test is used worldwide and that it has been given to thousands of people around the world.

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